Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Christmas Norwex

While I wait for my Starter Kit (it’s on it’s way) I had to show you the Christmas videos my upline Julie sent me this year! It’s a fabulous overview of EVERYTHING Norwex has to offer

I think I’m going to have to depend on YouTube myself to find strangers. I counted 4-6 things I already own to show. I have to check on discontinued.

I’m going to work on my Milkshake app today. I’m done building Pinterest for now.

Later I’ll be posting corporate videos. I’m in training mode. I can’t wait for my Starter Kit!

Update: Got my Starter Kit this afternoon! (Sunday join to Tuesday received!) 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

No-R-Way Excalibur is done!

 In April of 2017 I went to the Excalibur Preshow and Show in Las Vegas and sat in Norway….

I’ve been looking at Norwex for 4 years and decided to join! It was my “making up for no Thanksgiving”celebration. I mean I can wait on a ladder, toilet and Dyson right?

Everyone sing Camelot 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Macy’s Parade

 So I’m looking around for videos to watch/post (I think I have to find about 4) and I see that the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade happened! I didn’t know they still did it.

And then I see further down on the YouTube list The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon???

Anyway it would not let me watch it but the Closed Captions played on a black screen and Cher said that she had done a #1 Christmas Album for fun and that she was writing a memoir.

Dolly Parton looked fabulous as a Dallas cowboy Cheerleader! 

I skipped Black Friday purchases this year after all. No Thanksgiving dinner.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Box Car Derby Cleanup with Grannies

Another Box Car Derby build for Mason with the Clean Up. Last time I focused on Clean Up items and Mason suffered so I switched it. When I could.

I ended up only getting 7/10 prizes on the Derby (had to quit at midnight) Level 3/4 was never finished on Clean up with the last item being the feather duster.

Lady Voyance is back from October/Halloween. She is helping Maddie with her past present and future.

I finished Grannies but we’re earning extras until Lady Voyance ends at the same time.

Lots of Snow Globes for November/Thanksgiving and cute decorations (it’s equivalent to pirates etc We can decorate the grounds how we want)

I’m at 8 levels the first day 5 levels the second day and 1 level for days 3 and 4. Ten more to go…

The Pier is open! The daily tasks help me continue to work on it.


What goes here

 So EW email stated that the interior designer of Bethanny Ever After in Season 2’s apartment  (and Michael J Fox and Sigourney Weaver more recently etc) died one of those sad New York deaths where no one noticed until her body was decomposing. Bethanny said that she’d talk more about it later in one YouTube based on the design community’s loss.

And a Scottish Christmas on Hallmark this year with a Party of Five Scott and Lacey would probably be my favorite (42 new movies from Hallmark this year and I still want them to review the archives. There use to be ones played every year because they were so good)

I think it’s time for more sweepstakes!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Part 4 I don’t know why

People ask me why I see so many movies.
Here’s Redford and Newman
Both are the score of 27 seen by me.
This started because of TV growing up.
My dad’s favorite Paul Newman movie was Lady L and  his favorite Robert Redford movie was Jeremiah Johnson.
My mom and me picked Barefoot in the Park
My sister and brother-in-law were “hands off Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” (that was their movie)
My piano recital included a song from The Sting called Solace. I was #11 on the program and quit piano afterwards.
I explained it to my dad this way: Time to move on… I will never be a good piano player.

Paul Newman favorite movie for years was A New Kind of Love. I was watching The Long Hot Summer when my mom told me they were really married. I liked this one better. (Also What A Way to Go but an ensemble)

As I was writing this I changed my favorite movie to Judge Roy Bean.



 EW email. Camilla’s mother in this scene died. Suzanne Shepherd at 89 years old.

They also had the TV deals for Black Friday. I’m trying  for a new vacuum.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Inside the Frat and Sorority

 Vanity Fair Article 

today in Apple News 

Now to get rid of the Game “joke” against homeowners “sweeping the South”

Unfortunately for me I purchased a previous University of Kentucky house and they never sold it to me. The UK has been here for their buyers since I moved in.

Encouraged by NBC et al.

Witches are you


3.67GPA against SAT 8.0GPA garbage

Waaaaaay too Hitler

The coded crap is difficult enough in the real. Everyone has their own individual code. And it’s about ethics. Did your parents teach you that crap?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The hood

 I haven’t been outside since October 27th. It was chilly but sunny. Extremely quiet on a Saturday. 

I ran into ALF immediately and had to walk around (license plate)

The new neighbors look like they’re enjoying living in their houses. On the way there the blue house had curtains and on the way back they had hung up some kind of globe things in the backyard at the baby poop house.

The postman was delivering mail. Back Construction was arriving home with their dog. I didn’t run into another walker until I was by the dry cleaners. He rattled the prospect of them locking up the front area. They have metal gates at the ready.

Under the railroad tracks they had left some “discussion trash” and a pitcher of koolaid. Crossing the street was uneventful other than a guy who ran across. I walked.

They held the door open for me. There was a line but I picked up one of their chef salads and the Italian Sandwich I usually get. Condiments I have but chopped onions I picked up for my hamburgers from Go Puff. Cigarette carton and two sodas. Double bag, receipt and done. We double doored it on the way out and this guy behind me said:


As in Dinosaur Sue Maly from L.A.? She was reported in 2013/14 as a Darwin believer and retired. 

It was warmer on the way home. Two people were dangerously walking on the railroad tracks above. I picked up three pennies. 

Only one more pedestrian headed the other way by the dry cleaners. I thought I heard the train.

Why do the neighbors stack their trash against my house??

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Too funny

 So the EW email today finally has something for me to talk about again 

I almost commented on Big Brother but it was basically that I left TV right after the pizza boy and the rich girl got together season so I missed watching it.

Today Young Sheldon was announcing its last season and I had no idea that it was a prequel to The Big Bang Theory! None. Watched a marathon of it at Christmas last year. It stood on its own.

The clip above had me worried. It was one in the marathon. How could they not let Young Sheldon change to Philosophy??? How could Annie Potts not stick up for this choice?

I am upset I know now why.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November Movies Missed

It’s been about a year since I was able to go to the movie theater and had a Regal membership.

I thought I would be gone and have an AMC membership by now but it didn’t work out.

I lost about 1,000 points and am down to 4500 now.

• Priscilla 

• What Happens Later

• Scarface

• Billy Idol Hoover Dam (not all in on the Dolly Parton idea with Rockstar yet)

• Saving Private Ryan (I’ve seen it. It would be reviewing it in the theater)

• Napoleon 

• Dream Scenario 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Motorcycle G-mas

Mason and a Pirate Ship! I even paid to extend it and couldn’t finish. I made it to level 42 to build his look out but missed out on 

Set up the sails of the ship!
Gild the railings and panels with gold!
Build a monkey cave with waterfall.
Summon the Kraken!

Fishing was added again and I flipped back and forth but when the Pirate extension ended they quickly announced Grannies of Anarchy. It is too cute. 

If I looked good on a motorcycle I would pick the pink one. We’re building roses that turn into vests that turn into a leather jacket.

Fortress is half done.

An Update for November but fishing was gone (only 3 trophies) and a Rufus game helped us with Grannies. 

They then added Topiaries (4th or 5th place) and Clean Up. I got all four levels for the first time and ended early.

Update #2: Another Fishing and I got 5/7 trophies this time! Clean up is starting at 3am. Grannies is going for 10 more days.

I finished Fortress and started The Plaza



This is my review of my last trip to Vegas. The first trip I felt good enough to travel after my non-Hawaii trip in 2018. I had been hit hard.

The last time I had been to Vegas in January was in 2017 and I was sitting in a Cincy hotel watching crazy Satan Obama and his creepy satanic witchcraft cult followers on loop overnight to catch a plane at 6am. I had to buy two plane tickets (oh we can’t accept your luggage) and was livid so I was cursing at them and wondering if they were going to exit the building into the gas chambers like I hoped.

So here we are.

This trip started with me arguing with greyhound and my bank who didn’t want to release the money to them that they better not have charged me twice which then turned into me telling my bank to transfer me to their travel department. I’ll fly. Cincy of course being the cheapest (NO WAY!) and surprisingly Louisville being more expensive than Lexington!

Sunday February 14th

Morning of the trip check in and we’re rerouted through Charlotte. But I made it.

Okay so the rocking chairs in the airport and being greeted with the name of one of my VIPs at the check in point to board my plane was a little unnecessary... so was the reference to the Queen of England and Charlotte Price but I found myself waiting with about eight other people for my $12 shuttle ride through Vegas to my hotel. This was one of my favorite Vegas finds.. a free tour of the city with the drop offs! And nothing. No shuttle after 2 hours and we all give up. Well I do and I head towards the Uber/Lyft area. Took forever and Rastafaria shows up but I met a nice guy who needed help with Uber and I decide to pay it forward from when a nice couple helped me with mine four years earlier. “Were you on the Charlotte plane?” I nodded. “Was that the longest plane ride ever?” I had asked the stewardess “how much longer?” and gave up when she said 2 hours.

In the Lyft the driver had a marquee by the windshield with “Let’s Roll!” my name and hearts 💕 It was really cute! He pointed out the new football stadium, the new hockey stadium and the new city building saying it was all solar now and had sculptures in the front. We stopped of course by discussing Circa the new casino. I told him the last time I was in Vegas I had taken a picture of The Las Vegas Club they had torn down and have a matchbook cover someone left in my room.

Check in was easy and I walked to Walgreens for sodas along Fremont. The show above was continuous and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I stopped at Pop Up Pizza at the Plaza where I was staying and got some garlic knots for dinner.

Monday February 15th
Bingo Tournament Day 1

Registration from the night before still needed to be done so I went early. The Plaza is set up so you can get off on the 3rd floor or if you’re on the main floor you can go up 2 escalators so I was able to bypass that.

The first thing I noticed was where they had some workout equipment is now a mailbox store where you can rent a mailbox, ship, copies etc. I had packed my stimulus check so I knew I had to deal with that right away after Bingo.

They had eliminated the smoking area outside of the center area and there was a table set up to check in. I received my coupon envelope and the two daubers and a mask were in a plastic bag. They put a bracelet on me so they could tell by glance I was in the tournament. I was shown where the continental breakfast area was and I decided to find my seat first. There was a guard outside scanning for temperatures and most of the arguing occurred with what spot to stand on (crowd control)

I put my stuff out at my number and took my coupons up to the counter. I decided not to do the machines because I had practiced on paper locally. The coupon covered the paper for both days.

The continental breakfast area had your choice of two donuts with coffee and orange juice. Heart shaped Boston cream filled eclairs taste delicious. There was drink service walking around during play and box lunches handed out. Today was turkey, an apple, chips and cookies. I didn’t Bingo and the only surprise to me was it was over in a few hours. I had remembered it as being a longer day. I took a break at my room to eat my lunch. 

Within the casino they had a special of 100 points receive a slice of pizza from Pop Up. The Bingo Tournament had given us free play and I had also noticed that if I played in the special Brian area and got 100 points I would receive a wristband. I picked up a new Player card and took my stimulus check to the cashier to see if I needed to mail it. Nope! I had all the identification and they were kind enough to cash it with manager approval. It was such a relief as I had very little money left.

The rest of the evening I played slots, picked up my lucky wristband, purchased a 2-3-5 margarita at the Omni (?) bar, played video poker and picked up my slice of pizza for dinner on the way back to my room for the night.

Oops needed to go to Walgreens for more sodas. It was late but uneventful other than I saved using my balance rewards. I flipped channels when I got back and started my HGTV marathon.

Tuesday February 16th
Bingo Tournament Day 2

I had gotten chocolate donut or something on the inside of my mask so the first thing I did was go to the Rewards center to buy another Plaza mask for $4 to match my outfit. I went up the escalators this time so was able to see their memorabilia from the last 50 years in a glass case. The famous Plaza coupon book was no more. At least I had one in 2017. It was fun to see how many coupons you could use before your stay was over.

Bingo was exactly the same except today we got a chicken sandwich/orange box. Once again I went back to the room to eat my lunch and saved my orange. The tournament was over so I moved on. I had gotten two beds in case my son was able to join me but changing from bus to airplane ruined that idea (not enough notice) and I figured 2 days tournament 2 days residential relocation was going to be my trip. I decided to write portability and ask for an appointment for Wednesday or Thursday. “We contact you 4-6 weeks after...” you’re homeless?? That was not the answer! I need a place on this side before I close up where I’m at people! Somewhere to go to! It’s expensive to move cross country.

They had their properties listed which looked about the same but I couldn’t find rent per income housing and the one property I had found in 2017 wasn’t accepting applications. Since I have nothing saved I didn’t even bother doing the homework on the other research I had brought which is easier to do if you’re readier than I am. I don’t know what to do. I can’t go back to that evil they call Lexington. I’m being tortured by terrorists. I am a hostage. And yes, they want me gone or dead!

I had seen that the Plaza added a Keno station in the morning so when I went back on the floor and played the slot machines I picked up the rules booklet. The Plaza special today was for 100 points get a free taco at the Mexican grill. Done!

It was too late for any horse racing bets so I put it on my list for the next day and went back to my room.

Keno study! I could play 100 games for $10 at 10 cents a game and win $9000? I went down and placed my bet. She asked if I was staying long enough for 100 games but I had filled it out right. How fun!

I also went by their gift shop which I had noticed has improved and they had a bottle of Captain Morgan to save on drinks. I picked up my free taco and brought it back to the room but wasn’t hungry for dinner yet. Now what except for more Bingo.

I ended up playing the regular 7pm and 9pm games on paper. Nothing! I ate my cold taco when I got back.

Wednesday February 17th

I went to the betting area and picked up all the horse races for the day and sat and wondered what I would do. I decided I didn’t want to spend much money on it at all... after all. $24 four races super safety bets.

The Keno I noticed wouldn’t be finished until later.

I went to the Rewards and there was a spin multiplier and 100 points was going to get a grilled cheese sandwich. Oh I earned it? Must have been at the betting counter.

So then I played slots. Cashed in the horse races that had finished. By the time I got done they were out of cheese (the picture of Fremont Street was taken next to the coffee station)

I went to McDonalds and brought it back to my room to wait for Keno to finish. I watched HGTV.

Thursday February 18th

Last day here! I decided to have the Prime Rib at Fremont for dinner to celebrate.

Picked up the horse sheets and chose my races. Turned in my other tickets (won something on all four) but they told me the tracks I had chosen had cancelled for the day.

I had won two games and $1 on Keno (out of 100) but I decided to still try Mega10 for 20 games.

I decided not to walk to Walgreens until I was already there for dinner so I bought the largest soda I could for the day at McDonalds. I picked up my grilled cheese sandwich from the day before at the coffee place. I went back to my room and watched HGTV until the afternoon. 

I had played very little Video Poker and went back to the Omni for a 2-3-5 Margarita and received my first sword. Finished with slots and saw my player rewards had given me some free play and finished that.

Mega10 win was $1.50 so I took the $2.50 from both and put it on a 20 spot. It was hilarious. If you miss all the numbers you get $1000 and then the pay scale goes down and back up. I missed completely!

Fremont Street at Fremont 

There were very few people on Fremont so I guessed downtown closes on Wednesday to get ready for Friday.

They took my name and while I was waiting I got my new card. I played a slot machine near where I was sitting but nothing. The Prime Rib was good and I went to Walgreens for sodas afterwards.

I looked around for the first time on the walk back. They’re getting a Dick’s (a place I had seen in Excalibur) the Indian place had closed, the neon cowboy was winking. But I liked the Indian store!

I decided to see how ABC was and a woman greeting customers complimented me on my leggings. It was nicer in there than it was before. Circa had taken over at the end and the lights run from there onto Binions into Fremont so that side is completely lit up. I didn’t feel like going inside any of them though! The show above was once again continuous.

When I got back to the hotel I went back online and received an email from the airline that my flight had been cancelled and moved up to midnight. No. I’ll take the bus back. It was after hours and quiet but the desk clerk helped me troubleshoot a late checkout at 4pm to catch the bus at 5pm.

Friday February 19th

The first thing I did was go to the bus station in the morning. They were sold out Friday because of rerouting and sold me a ticket for the next day.

Back to the Plaza for an extra night and they were kind enough to move the late checkout I had already paid for to Saturday. 

It was more stressful than it sounds.

I bought lunch at McDonalds after playing slots enough for a 100 point cappuccino at the coffee place. Rewards said there was a slot tournament between 4-7pm. I took the food back to my room until then.

In 2017 they had slot tournaments on certain machines 3x a week in the morning where you bought in and banged on the machine as fast as you could. She said they would be calling names from the floor slot machines for a spin on the wheel now.

I bought a drink that had my next sword and after two announcements where I couldn’t tell what the guy was saying I gave up. It took too much money that way. I took my drink to my room.

At 7pm I decided to stop by the Rewards and print out a Match Play for Bingo and won on the machine the first game. I was only up by $30 though. 

I would be packing up tomorrow.

Bus Trip
Saturday Sunday Monday 
February 20th-22nd

Movies watched:

In the morning I tried to move my vacation hold at the post office and put in for a refund with the airline. I had to regroup and think of what I would need on a 3 day bus trip in my carry on and repacked.

I was able to use another B1G1 at McDonalds to eat before we left. The bus was an hour late.

I actually prefer the bus. I had to finish a vendor event so that used up the free WiFi, there wasn’t any TV I was interested in but I was able to see four movies I had never heard of that I enjoyed and play at matching mahjong flowers. There’s lots of stops and it’s fun to see the people you start with exchange at the stops with others and who you end up with at the end.

Myself. I was the only person on the bus from Louisville to Lexington. I ordered a Lyft home and there was a package waiting for me that I was expecting. My research!

Done. I’m going to ignore what I heard felt and saw.

I went over my money. Other than the bus ticket and the extra night at the hotel I had spent $38.66 in Vegas and $36.72 on the bus in cash. The transportation there, Lyft and hotel on credit. It was all about relocating though.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Keanu and Drew

This was actually tested on Twitter and a friend? fan? tweeted that it was a game on GameBoy or PlayStation  or something. What do you do when you watch the movies but don’t really do so for that sort of thing. 

Lots of people on Pinterest are Keanu I noticed!

We use to just laugh. “I watched his chick flicks” 

We went to the movies and then they were on TV. And then rentals.

Here’s Keanu’s movies:

• Parenthood 

• Point Break

• Much Ado About Nothing

• Speed

• A Walk in the Clouds

• The Replacements

• Sweet November 

• Something’s Gotta Give

• The Lake House

And then it stopped. You’ll notice I do move on.

As requested: Drew Barrymore 

• ET

• Irreconcilable Differences

• Boys on the Side

• Mad Love

• The Wedding Singer

• Never Been Kissed

• 50 First Dates

• Fever Pitch

• Music and Lyrics

9 each I’ve seen. I’m sure it’s weird and bothers you!


So I got run over in 2015 as a pedestrian and decided that the Chevy Chaser (a local free paper - usually found at the library about one of our neighborhoods called Chevy Chase - no relation) with the picture of Obama sucking on an ice cream cone in Hawaii was just not going to stop me.

Neither was the rumo(u)rs of the Social Network creep kicking the locals out of their homes in Hawaii to build his palace.

And since it was with Hillsdale College that someone they admired, Churchill, was not going to scare me either. I even went to the movie theater to watch the movie Churchill to make my decision. It was with a Liberal Arts college that I was interested in learning more about.

The other half went to the lawyers: 

Deluxe with veranda. Two smoking areas at the time close to my room and one of the bars on the boat.

I was asked if there were any special needs and I told them that it was going to be for my birthday.

We had a choice of one dining experience at each of their three restaurants. One Chinese restaurant one Japanese Sushi Bar and an Italian restaurant called Prego that I chose for my birthday. I was only frightened of the Sushi Bar and was going to stop by and see their menu to cancel if I needed to. I had only heard about the California Roll.

I purchased the Pearl Harbor Experience since my dad was in Okinawa during WWII. That included Sunset dinner afterwards.

This is what we were going to be studying during the lecture series. I figured I could transcribe the lecture and use it also at the college I was attempting back then which was Liberty University. If not I would just enjoy the history and the learning about what they had to say. 

Once in a lifetime to me. Hawaiian Islands and Mexico on a cruise ship over 16 days (4 days travel from SF to Hawaii both ways made 8) Two days in Oahu/Honolulu, one day in Maui/Lahaina, two days in Hawaii in Hilo and Kailua-Kona 5 hours in Ensenada Mexico 1 day California coast. Leaving and Arriving days.

The Titanic wasn’t going to scare me either (although for me it’s always Poseidon Adventure) I quickly searched the top twenty positive movies about cruises.

I purchased two bathing suits and a digital tape recorder at Staples. I planned my outfits for 16 days and purchased Woolite for them and Mr Bubble for baths.

Most of the time I was searching for little fun things. Like a long top that reminded me of Mexico with ruffles, a sequin coin purse, a wristlet, suntan lotion, etc.

Then I got the itinerary. No jeans and dress for dinner including a few black tie optionals? OH NO!

Turning the 16 outfits into 32 plus a cocktail dress when with witchcraft I didn’t even know my real size seemed impossible but only took me 2 days and $150 more.

Because I had shopped I had memorized what extras I would need and exchanged a few things.

The day of I got my haircut and picked up cash. I had 9 fricken hours to pack and make it to the bus. 

I didn’t. The bag weighed too much and the bus left without me.

I fought all the way to meeting them to the first island before giving up.

I returned my cocktail dress on the 9th of Av 5778.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Hollywood Reporter

My dad’s two favorite singers. He and my mom had seen Judy live and he said the hairs on his arms just stood up! There was nothing like hearing her live. Barbra had sung this song on a talk show and he said he paid attention to it immediately.

 The first time I heard she had a new memoir called 'My Name is Barbra.'

Judy Garland to Barbra Streisand “Don’t let them do to you what they did to me”

I don’t think Barbra did.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Wedding Singer

 Not to be outdone… EW email states Pauly Shore proposed to Drew Barrymore. 

Wouldn’t know (although I saw the clip) but Billy Idol Hoover Dam is at Regal on November 15th.

Also: The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Holiday on Roku vs The Great Celebrity Bake Off with Ross David Schwimmer  (Netflix?) and I can’t keep them straight… just look for Paul and I guess taking over for Mary is Prue. Whenever and wherever the English British lets us see it! 

Saturday, November 4, 2023


EW Email Charlie Sheen and Two and a half Men Lorre (?)

I don’t know much about the gossip surrounding it.  I only watched the first few episodes. Understood what it was going to be about. Done.

So I’m picking my favorite clip of Charlie Sheen because he was much more than what they’re implying
and I guess they have a new project.. 

That branched off to Demi’s autobiography. Good for her! 

I owned this movie Mortal Thoughts on VHS when the witches made me throw everything to the curb and sign off of TV and Twitter in 2014.

Today receiving “Elvis and Me” EW email which I gather is what Pricilla and the director started from (not to say that’s how it will end up… process) I have read many autobiographies and had this one too at one time. Good for Cilla! I support her side of the story being told also.

Friday, November 3, 2023

ahem mr. C

I guess I’m going to have to explain paperlate here. Every two years the witches want me to dig up my 56 song musical from Ning.

I will never forget the “I thought you knew” comment. 

Although 5 days in 2008 had already occurred and I was transitioning from one community (paperlate and a few forums for the band Genesis) reunion to another reunion with my high school in 2010…

I will forever be “knew what?” so this should have been easier to get rid of.

If ever some guy hands you a bootleg and looks suspiciously around. Yeah this was my gift back to the silly community… whatever. They hated it. 

We had a little mp3 player on our pages and  it was like my own autobiography as a listener and a contributor while we argued. For years.. for decades!

The only banned over and over supporter of the band since 1978. I didn’t consider it witchcraft to make the playlist! I’m not a witch and will never convert.

1. Tony Banks Strictly Incognito Cyber Space

2. Phil Collins 7 High Flying Angel 

3. “Be Brave Brand” Genesis Me and Sarah Jane without Steve Hackett (intro by Mike Rutherford where he was actually talking about Peter)

4. Genesis 101Intro to the Hollywood Bowl (Oct 13th 2007 I was there with Mike in front of us)

5. Phil 7 Another Time from Toyota 

6. Mike and the Mechanics If I Were You live acoustic 

7. 04 Phil’s Trumpet Solo Luck Be A Lady (sorta)

8. Genesis 03 WhoDunnit (live)

9. GenesisWaveMerge only because it was divided by tracks (given to me by the stealth) LLDOB medley

10. Peter Gabriel Columbus Signal to Noise with intro (I was there in section B Germain Amphitheater Jul 1st 2003)

11. Genesis Reunion Columbus Behind the Lines intro only - from opening medley Duke Suite (Nationwide Arena Sept 22nd 2007 I was there on Tony’s side)

12. Genesis Reunion Chicago 2 Ripples (United Center Oct 3rd and 4th 2007 I was at Chicago 2 in front and 3 as a tiny person in the very back corner on Chester’s side)

13. Genesis Reunion Sacramento Hold on My Heart (Arco Arena Oct 10th 2007 I was there with my son on Daryl’s Side)

14. 04Interview02 XMRadio Washington? Interview with Phil talking about forums  

15. from Interview Misunderstanding (FFFT) acoustic 

16. Phil i4dpc02d1t17 Saturday Night Sunday Morning

17. Phil i4dpc02d1t18 The West Side

18. Mike and the Mechanics interview Belgium 20Jun2004 they were there to see Alicia Keys

19. MATM 2004-06-19d1t08 Looking Back

20. The Smothers Brothers Mom Always Liked You Best

21.The Smothers Brothers You Didn’t Come In

22. The Smothers Brothers They Call the Wind Maria(h)

23. Tony Banks Interview Radio 4 Midweek 24Mar2004 for Seven

24. Tony Banks Seven The Ram

25. The Mindbenders Groovy Kind of Love

26. Phil Collins With or Without Genesis NYC - A Groovy Kind

27. Daryl Stuermer Another Side of Genesis Follow You, Follow Me (I saw Daryl at Annie’s in Cincy Nov 25th 2002 and in Wisconsin at a casino gig)

28. Phil Collins Columbus FFFT Take Me Home (I was there at Nationwide Arena Sept 25th 2004) 

29. Genesis Germany Interview 200402 we say no but blame the manager for No on the Reunion

30. Duran Duran 2005-01-13 Radio 2 Finest Hour (I saw them in Cincy with Andy Taylor Cincinnati Music Hall March 26th 2005)

31. Sting 2005-04-18d2t06 Chicago Voices Inside My Head (I saw the Broken Music Tour at Miami University April 20th 2005)

32. LiveAid documentary Radio 2 Phil was the narrator promoting Live 8

33. Live Aid Sting and Phil Collins 08 Every Breath You Take

34. Live Aid Philadelphia Against All Odds Phil Collins

35. Phil Collins Stevie’s Blues

36. PC SFX8102 “You use to be an actor” Consider Yourself

37. Phil Collins B Sides Life is A Rat Race

38. Phil Collins Big Band Sampler Two Hearts

39. Phil Track 4 Going Loco in Acapulco live

40. Phil Collins 6,8 Intro Tarzan Demo

41. 203 No Way Out Phil performed for a showcase but as I remember also the San Jose gig FFFT (I was there at HP Pavilion at San Jose Aug 30th 2004)

42. Breakfast with the Arts with Phil discussing Tarzan musical and For the First Time

43. Soundtrack 02 of the Tarzan musical

44. Profiled Track 08 “take a break and let me sing a song”

45. Soundtrack 04 of the Tarzan musical Everything That I Am

46. Wait What? Phil announced on show they were doing the reunion as 3 piece (finally)

47. NonPoint ITAT 

48. Defying Gravity (don’t worry IN AN AIRPLANE) to them I was wicked. I had to go to California.

49. Genesis interview BBC FiveLive 09Nov2006 after Press Conference Alan Hewitt’s (paperlate) question about medleys came up again “more medleys” ha!

50. Chipmunks Christmas Song 

51. Genesis cf-PPPd2t03 Keep it Dark

52. Keep it Dark (a tour gift from Simon Collins)

53. Beatles bootleg Complete Hollywood Bowl Intro KRLA a really long intro 20,000 plus on the hill 

54. Breakfast With the Beatles Program 634-13 Till There Was You cover (I saw Paul McCartney and he sang it! Value City Arena Oct 22 2005)

55. Genesis We Walked On Hornet Field Fading Lights from Sacramento in 1992 (Hornet Field CalState Jun 19th I was there and someone from the community had the boot and someone else was willing to do the artwork) 

56. Funny Girl Don’t Rain on my Parade hmmmm? I had just been through an eminent domain and that’s kind of how I felt getting through and to the reunion. (See the movie) “Your turn at bat sir” over to you guys……

In retrospect my American horror story turning into putting Kate and William into Kingship? Nah skip it.


EW email Biden watching a movie I did not see yet because they kicked me out of the theater. 

And right now I don’t have a vehicle. 

And Part 2 is in it’s way.

Mr Roboto. Styx. Owned the albums. LaLaLa.

Everything growing up was about “the future” The Jetsons were our cartoon. Black and White My Favorite Martian. (and Courtship of Eddie’s father) Star Trek to Star Wars. We were trained to be replaced.

Rotary dial phones to push button phones to answering machines. And landlines were removed.

Typewriter to Electric 

Computers started as large machines with punch cards I had to proofread and have re-punched to run a report

The first computer I saw was a terminal at the newspaper on each of their desks. I wasn’t allowed.

The first personal (thought as a smaller of the bigger to replace the punch cards) was a Radio Shack they had someone from the computer room program. Data Entry became my new skill. I’m just not a robot and fast. 

We left the computers at work. It wasn’t until the 90s that I bought my own and I fought getting on the internet until WebTv (my computer I purchased floppy disc programs for and used as a word processor) DOS and Windows.

The Brain? low B 3.0 GPA and barely graduated high school but I had extra classes that gave me points. Presidential testing I fought. I wasn’t interested in academics, being gifted or AP. Sports? guf-faw for BOYS only. I re-worded the encyclopedia. I used creative math to get through the month. I use stamps and checks and locked doors and windows.

My mom announced your job is to find a husband and my dad’s complaint was she didn’t train me to be a wife. She hated to cook and clean and no sex was our rule. Dad hated the boys I brought home. They were worthless with no future. Until he wanted his. Pick one and deal with it!

So I went to fashion school. Replaced by a 4 year journalism student at my internship at the newspaper because they were fazing out the fashion section and transfer was probably in her future. I had no desire to work for the enemy the L.A.Times.

They’re retired and I’m abandoned. Food and taste test panels were my next job (General Clerical for a lab) 

Bought out by Nestle. Blue Cross no training offered. Anthem was used as a hack by the enemy later.

Fun for an L.A. war right?

Marketing continued in my real life as a consumer.

AI The problem was where I went to school. 9th grade leadership failed (wasn’t voted in as secretary) so no politics which was fine by me.

I have zero interest in what this country became!

Groceries - get rid of the stoopid cashier people I’m a shut in. I liked to scan my own groceries. They cut off delivery. Computer cars were not a good thing if they could shut it off whenever they wanted to!

Continuing Education they keep stealing it from me. Men they steal so why not. No skilled workers and for me, Susan, everything is more expensive.

If AI has truly arrived stop fucking me and fuck yourselves with it. It’s RAPE 

Shut down the fucking schools! They were worthless to begin with. We have already started with schoolhouses and ended with alternative education and homeschooling.

Cartoons and Holograms are their future. Tape a voice throw the voice around tada

Get the crap out of me Military game. I don’t have a “military/government” machine so my GOD and my stamina to survive is being tested.

I’m European American born in L.A. and hate Bruce Springsteen. I am still more federal government than local government. Irony.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 EW email again. I guess there’s a Mean Girls extravaganza going on?

I saw it in 2022 and it’s true that there was a mom with a preteen to show her what school is like also in the audience. To make her feel better I’m sure. I was impressed.

So I’m at Meijer after being kicked off of the internet in 2014. I stop to read the cover (this exact cover?) and an employee passes by and says “That’s so wrong isn’t it?”

I didn’t say anything. I raised my eyebrow because it could have worked! 

Sorry Tori and Courtney. Had to steal it from eBay!

Indiana has been deleted off of my map because of Purdue, last December and April. 

Pilk? Read that was going on. Milk and Pepsi? 

My Root Beer floats were Diet Coke and chocolate chip ice cream. I would put a long spoon in them so I could get the ice cream left. I think that’s as close to Pilk I want to get

Anyway local Walmart was banned around 2021 because I was kicked in the head 6 times but have fun on Black Friday!

And one more…

After the lease was up I asked around if anyone knew of apartments that were closer to work. These are near Panorama City where the Daily News and Carnation Research Lab was. I had an ex-boyfriend’s friend that lived near too so I figured “I guess it will do for $75 less a month!”

Although I never considered myself fitting in! I felt safer in the Northridge Mall to Canoga Park area but $$$

It was fun turning right on Van Nuys Blvd. I left L.A. after I saw Duran Duran in Diego and the Olympic Torch in 1984. My school friends had started to graduate from USC/UCLA by then and everything felt wrong.

Also a furnished studio that people liked to visit. I think this was my apartment on the left in the picture? I was first to the right at the top of the stairs in the front by the office/mail. 

I have a picture somewhere of my nephews and niece sitting on the stairs. The parking lot was in the back so I had to walk the length of the complex.

So when people ask… tell… or bark… GO BACK TO L.A. Valley Girl. No. This was as far as I got. 

That has nothing to do with visiting. Which I did about a half a dozen times. I counted: I could only bear it for about 4 days.

Even before I got this in 2005!

Regal October 2022 Part 1


Not even I could believe that they were doing this to remind Lexington women how to act but it was pretty popular! I was forced to drink Root Beer because they are celebrating killing my mother.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Another Story

 They are so into “MOVE” or die here….

First apartment: it took forever to build. When I was little I would point to it and tell mom and dad “I’m going to live there” met with “you are?” Roll of eyes.

It was in MY hood near MY park and on the way to Middle School and High School. Where else would I move? Reseda?

It’s still there. 6 floors from the street but the first two floors were gated parking.

When I graduated from college and my mom and dad were moving my dad approached me with a grin. “Ready to look at your apartment?” 

I couldn’t believe it but mom I think had called first so to them the price was right for a first apartment. Under $400 in 1982. I lived there for a year lease.

A penthouse furnished studio in the corner next to the laundry room and right off the elevator on the 6th floor. This is an upgraded 40 years later picture and the wrong apartment by one number but what it looked like when you entered. The bed was in an alcove on the right and I had one slider with a balcony. All I needed were my personal things and my TV.


 20 years 3 months  “Clueless” and I’m certainly not impressed! No sex house. The United States has gone insane. Why would that statement be...