Monday, November 13, 2023



This is my review of my last trip to Vegas. The first trip I felt good enough to travel after my non-Hawaii trip in 2018. I had been hit hard.

The last time I had been to Vegas in January was in 2017 and I was sitting in a Cincy hotel watching crazy Satan Obama and his creepy satanic witchcraft cult followers on loop overnight to catch a plane at 6am. I had to buy two plane tickets (oh we can’t accept your luggage) and was livid so I was cursing at them and wondering if they were going to exit the building into the gas chambers like I hoped.

So here we are.

This trip started with me arguing with greyhound and my bank who didn’t want to release the money to them that they better not have charged me twice which then turned into me telling my bank to transfer me to their travel department. I’ll fly. Cincy of course being the cheapest (NO WAY!) and surprisingly Louisville being more expensive than Lexington!

Sunday February 14th

Morning of the trip check in and we’re rerouted through Charlotte. But I made it.

Okay so the rocking chairs in the airport and being greeted with the name of one of my VIPs at the check in point to board my plane was a little unnecessary... so was the reference to the Queen of England and Charlotte Price but I found myself waiting with about eight other people for my $12 shuttle ride through Vegas to my hotel. This was one of my favorite Vegas finds.. a free tour of the city with the drop offs! And nothing. No shuttle after 2 hours and we all give up. Well I do and I head towards the Uber/Lyft area. Took forever and Rastafaria shows up but I met a nice guy who needed help with Uber and I decide to pay it forward from when a nice couple helped me with mine four years earlier. “Were you on the Charlotte plane?” I nodded. “Was that the longest plane ride ever?” I had asked the stewardess “how much longer?” and gave up when she said 2 hours.

In the Lyft the driver had a marquee by the windshield with “Let’s Roll!” my name and hearts 💕 It was really cute! He pointed out the new football stadium, the new hockey stadium and the new city building saying it was all solar now and had sculptures in the front. We stopped of course by discussing Circa the new casino. I told him the last time I was in Vegas I had taken a picture of The Las Vegas Club they had torn down and have a matchbook cover someone left in my room.

Check in was easy and I walked to Walgreens for sodas along Fremont. The show above was continuous and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I stopped at Pop Up Pizza at the Plaza where I was staying and got some garlic knots for dinner.

Monday February 15th
Bingo Tournament Day 1

Registration from the night before still needed to be done so I went early. The Plaza is set up so you can get off on the 3rd floor or if you’re on the main floor you can go up 2 escalators so I was able to bypass that.

The first thing I noticed was where they had some workout equipment is now a mailbox store where you can rent a mailbox, ship, copies etc. I had packed my stimulus check so I knew I had to deal with that right away after Bingo.

They had eliminated the smoking area outside of the center area and there was a table set up to check in. I received my coupon envelope and the two daubers and a mask were in a plastic bag. They put a bracelet on me so they could tell by glance I was in the tournament. I was shown where the continental breakfast area was and I decided to find my seat first. There was a guard outside scanning for temperatures and most of the arguing occurred with what spot to stand on (crowd control)

I put my stuff out at my number and took my coupons up to the counter. I decided not to do the machines because I had practiced on paper locally. The coupon covered the paper for both days.

The continental breakfast area had your choice of two donuts with coffee and orange juice. Heart shaped Boston cream filled eclairs taste delicious. There was drink service walking around during play and box lunches handed out. Today was turkey, an apple, chips and cookies. I didn’t Bingo and the only surprise to me was it was over in a few hours. I had remembered it as being a longer day. I took a break at my room to eat my lunch. 

Within the casino they had a special of 100 points receive a slice of pizza from Pop Up. The Bingo Tournament had given us free play and I had also noticed that if I played in the special Brian area and got 100 points I would receive a wristband. I picked up a new Player card and took my stimulus check to the cashier to see if I needed to mail it. Nope! I had all the identification and they were kind enough to cash it with manager approval. It was such a relief as I had very little money left.

The rest of the evening I played slots, picked up my lucky wristband, purchased a 2-3-5 margarita at the Omni (?) bar, played video poker and picked up my slice of pizza for dinner on the way back to my room for the night.

Oops needed to go to Walgreens for more sodas. It was late but uneventful other than I saved using my balance rewards. I flipped channels when I got back and started my HGTV marathon.

Tuesday February 16th
Bingo Tournament Day 2

I had gotten chocolate donut or something on the inside of my mask so the first thing I did was go to the Rewards center to buy another Plaza mask for $4 to match my outfit. I went up the escalators this time so was able to see their memorabilia from the last 50 years in a glass case. The famous Plaza coupon book was no more. At least I had one in 2017. It was fun to see how many coupons you could use before your stay was over.

Bingo was exactly the same except today we got a chicken sandwich/orange box. Once again I went back to the room to eat my lunch and saved my orange. The tournament was over so I moved on. I had gotten two beds in case my son was able to join me but changing from bus to airplane ruined that idea (not enough notice) and I figured 2 days tournament 2 days residential relocation was going to be my trip. I decided to write portability and ask for an appointment for Wednesday or Thursday. “We contact you 4-6 weeks after...” you’re homeless?? That was not the answer! I need a place on this side before I close up where I’m at people! Somewhere to go to! It’s expensive to move cross country.

They had their properties listed which looked about the same but I couldn’t find rent per income housing and the one property I had found in 2017 wasn’t accepting applications. Since I have nothing saved I didn’t even bother doing the homework on the other research I had brought which is easier to do if you’re readier than I am. I don’t know what to do. I can’t go back to that evil they call Lexington. I’m being tortured by terrorists. I am a hostage. And yes, they want me gone or dead!

I had seen that the Plaza added a Keno station in the morning so when I went back on the floor and played the slot machines I picked up the rules booklet. The Plaza special today was for 100 points get a free taco at the Mexican grill. Done!

It was too late for any horse racing bets so I put it on my list for the next day and went back to my room.

Keno study! I could play 100 games for $10 at 10 cents a game and win $9000? I went down and placed my bet. She asked if I was staying long enough for 100 games but I had filled it out right. How fun!

I also went by their gift shop which I had noticed has improved and they had a bottle of Captain Morgan to save on drinks. I picked up my free taco and brought it back to the room but wasn’t hungry for dinner yet. Now what except for more Bingo.

I ended up playing the regular 7pm and 9pm games on paper. Nothing! I ate my cold taco when I got back.

Wednesday February 17th

I went to the betting area and picked up all the horse races for the day and sat and wondered what I would do. I decided I didn’t want to spend much money on it at all... after all. $24 four races super safety bets.

The Keno I noticed wouldn’t be finished until later.

I went to the Rewards and there was a spin multiplier and 100 points was going to get a grilled cheese sandwich. Oh I earned it? Must have been at the betting counter.

So then I played slots. Cashed in the horse races that had finished. By the time I got done they were out of cheese (the picture of Fremont Street was taken next to the coffee station)

I went to McDonalds and brought it back to my room to wait for Keno to finish. I watched HGTV.

Thursday February 18th

Last day here! I decided to have the Prime Rib at Fremont for dinner to celebrate.

Picked up the horse sheets and chose my races. Turned in my other tickets (won something on all four) but they told me the tracks I had chosen had cancelled for the day.

I had won two games and $1 on Keno (out of 100) but I decided to still try Mega10 for 20 games.

I decided not to walk to Walgreens until I was already there for dinner so I bought the largest soda I could for the day at McDonalds. I picked up my grilled cheese sandwich from the day before at the coffee place. I went back to my room and watched HGTV until the afternoon. 

I had played very little Video Poker and went back to the Omni for a 2-3-5 Margarita and received my first sword. Finished with slots and saw my player rewards had given me some free play and finished that.

Mega10 win was $1.50 so I took the $2.50 from both and put it on a 20 spot. It was hilarious. If you miss all the numbers you get $1000 and then the pay scale goes down and back up. I missed completely!

Fremont Street at Fremont 

There were very few people on Fremont so I guessed downtown closes on Wednesday to get ready for Friday.

They took my name and while I was waiting I got my new card. I played a slot machine near where I was sitting but nothing. The Prime Rib was good and I went to Walgreens for sodas afterwards.

I looked around for the first time on the walk back. They’re getting a Dick’s (a place I had seen in Excalibur) the Indian place had closed, the neon cowboy was winking. But I liked the Indian store!

I decided to see how ABC was and a woman greeting customers complimented me on my leggings. It was nicer in there than it was before. Circa had taken over at the end and the lights run from there onto Binions into Fremont so that side is completely lit up. I didn’t feel like going inside any of them though! The show above was once again continuous.

When I got back to the hotel I went back online and received an email from the airline that my flight had been cancelled and moved up to midnight. No. I’ll take the bus back. It was after hours and quiet but the desk clerk helped me troubleshoot a late checkout at 4pm to catch the bus at 5pm.

Friday February 19th

The first thing I did was go to the bus station in the morning. They were sold out Friday because of rerouting and sold me a ticket for the next day.

Back to the Plaza for an extra night and they were kind enough to move the late checkout I had already paid for to Saturday. 

It was more stressful than it sounds.

I bought lunch at McDonalds after playing slots enough for a 100 point cappuccino at the coffee place. Rewards said there was a slot tournament between 4-7pm. I took the food back to my room until then.

In 2017 they had slot tournaments on certain machines 3x a week in the morning where you bought in and banged on the machine as fast as you could. She said they would be calling names from the floor slot machines for a spin on the wheel now.

I bought a drink that had my next sword and after two announcements where I couldn’t tell what the guy was saying I gave up. It took too much money that way. I took my drink to my room.

At 7pm I decided to stop by the Rewards and print out a Match Play for Bingo and won on the machine the first game. I was only up by $30 though. 

I would be packing up tomorrow.

Bus Trip
Saturday Sunday Monday 
February 20th-22nd

Movies watched:

In the morning I tried to move my vacation hold at the post office and put in for a refund with the airline. I had to regroup and think of what I would need on a 3 day bus trip in my carry on and repacked.

I was able to use another B1G1 at McDonalds to eat before we left. The bus was an hour late.

I actually prefer the bus. I had to finish a vendor event so that used up the free WiFi, there wasn’t any TV I was interested in but I was able to see four movies I had never heard of that I enjoyed and play at matching mahjong flowers. There’s lots of stops and it’s fun to see the people you start with exchange at the stops with others and who you end up with at the end.

Myself. I was the only person on the bus from Louisville to Lexington. I ordered a Lyft home and there was a package waiting for me that I was expecting. My research!

Done. I’m going to ignore what I heard felt and saw.

I went over my money. Other than the bus ticket and the extra night at the hotel I had spent $38.66 in Vegas and $36.72 on the bus in cash. The transportation there, Lyft and hotel on credit. It was all about relocating though.

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