Monday, December 4, 2023

Dec Budget and ketchup

Hang in there Kevin! Your fans are behind your decisions. 

Home Alone was watched by me when it came out. Home Alone 2 I watched last December when I was being tortured in Cincy, Chicago and Indiana after my mom died. The witches want to see the turtle dove my mom sent and with one hand (day 5) it is not going to happen!

Bummer! It wasn’t about the Christmas song Partridge in a Pear Tree but evil-ly devised by my mom and son!

She was very clever though my mom! She had my son write the letter on the back of this!

The good news is the closest I got to Pigeons was downtown when I lived above a candy shop and he remembered me coming to Grandma’s house to smoke outside, take a shower, eat dinner with them and watch TV downstairs with or without him watching with me. The closest he got to my apartment was outside in the car.

Then I moved with the promise of sending for him after I got married in 2000. That didn’t work! I last saw him at the age of 14 when I gather the government considered him emancipated!

I have to pay my bills 

The “coven leaders” keep me up 24 hours stating they want my money.

So Pinterest is updated with Day 4 of 12 and at 2am I tell them my day is OVER.

I did go through the missed emails and yes that included EW emails. 

News that I paid attention to:

De Niro’s speech was censored and of course he was angry. 

Shannen Doherty is battling cancer (don’t filter her through me) All I did was watch a TV show about Beverly Hills!

and Frances Sternhagen who I last saw on Sex and the City as Charlotte’s pathetic mother in law has passed away at 93. Thank goodness she did other things as an actress!

The rest of you don’t matter.

I ran out of condiments yesterday.

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